History and Workings of the Supreme Courts

History and Function

As the highest court in the judicial branch of government, the Supreme Court interprets the constitution and how the founding father's words written 200 years ago is applied to cases today. The Court is has complete power over legislation and keeps checks on the other two branches of government. They "remain the most powerful judicial body on earth" selectively working through cases that are compelling and help lower courts determine how to rule. Certiorari enables the Court to pick and choose what cases they want to review. Today, Americans are very accepting of their power as they trust their lives to the 9 justices.

Established in 1789, the Court worked to organize their group to prepare for future cases. Their first case was in 1781, West vs. Barnes. The most notable case in for settling the relationship between the Court and other government branches is Marbury vs. Madison (1803) because Chief Justice John Marshall established the judicial review, the power of the Court to review federal laws as being in line with the constitution. Since the beginning of the Court, the people have relied on the Court to protect their rights and keep government laws constitutional.


As an American citizen, I value my first amendment rights knowing that I have freedom to express myself and my opinions peaceably. Since one of my sources of rights comes from Supreme Court interpretation, I want to elect a president that will nominate chief justices with similar politics. As I learn more about the Supreme Court, I realize how thankful I am that their main duty is to uphold the constitution and protect citizens. Essentially, they are fueled by the power of the people-- they rely on us to say no to the government and stand up for what is right. They are not a tyrant with political agendas, rather, the justices are for the people.





Photo: https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/2020/09/20/what-exactly-is-the-liberal-position-on-the-supreme-court/


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