News Outlet Preferences

As a college student living in the age of information, I sometimes feel out of the loop and confused on what news outlets provide reliable, accurate information. I have trouble distinguishing which competing news outlet to give my attention and trust. Growing up, I was never very exposed to the news-- I guess you could say I lived under a rock! All jokes aside, I am beginning to come out from under the rock as I study communication and try to keep up with trends, pop culture and COVID-19. Below are 5 different news sources that I use and why I prefer them!

Out of convenience and accident I suppose, I have discovered the Apple News App that lives on my iPhone. I stumbled upon this app by swiping left on the home screen to search for other applications. Recent and latest headlines are listed below the application search bar as a preview of the app. Personally, I don't go directly to the app because the list of headlines pertain to events that occurred that day and I don't feel the desire often to explore further. The articles listed are pulled from Safari by the AppleBot web crawler to find recent, popular articles that are published online by other news outlets. The app does not have a great reputation for being efficient, but it helps me get a general idea of what types of topics are being talked about nationally and world-wide just with one swipe!

Snapchat News //

This might be the saddest way that I get my news--but I have to be honest, I am on Snapchat more than any other app and enjoy scrolling through their entertaining plethora of news bait. The format is more visual, catchy and funny as it targets younger demographics. It is an easy, less professional and less reliable way to get news but it is always there staring at into my face after I snap a friend. I don't take this news too seriously as Snapchat is not known for trustworthy news, however, it gives me and idea / outline of what is happening in the pop culture / celebrity world. I would recommend this news outlet for anyone that does not like super political or depressing news--most articles are funny and uplifting.

Fox News Channel //

In a way I feel that I've been groomed to watch this channel as a young child.  I've grown to associate news with the grainy Fox logo on our 90's box TV. My family's go-to news channel has always been Fox, which generally leans towards the conservative side. Regardless of political stance, I feel that this platform offers different, more understanding opinions on topics and issues of the time. The news-casters have a more trustworthy disposition that leads me to believe they are less concerned with an agenda and simply want to share relevant news with their audience. Essentially, I trust it because my parents raised me to watch this channel and it has been engrained in my mind as a prominent news outlet. I would recommend this channel because it is well-known and trusted by many.

Local News //

I live in Harford County, MD so I am used to watching WBAL-TV news. Since I feel most at home in MD, I am more inclined to watch this channel to get local news that is applicable to my own geographic location and perhaps has more of an direct effect on my life. Since COVID-19, I have relied on WBAL-TV to inform me of any changes the governor makes regarding protocol and laws--it was certainly an essential part of my daily summer routine. Each morning, my mom would put it on and we would watch, eat our breakfast and discuss the crazy world that we are living in! I would recommend that families do the same to keep up with what it happening locally.

Like Snapchat news, this news outlet is geared towards highlighting pop-culture and celebrity news. I love to watch the Bachelor--what can I say? This outlet has been very in-depth in covering tops ranging from spoilers to the best food you can eat for your body type. I certainly would not go to this outlet to learn more about politics and world-wide issues / debates, but I love to be entertained by this site because sometimes I get bored and need something to read every now and again! I recommend this channel for people that are in careers associated with pop-culture trends!



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